• I structure my coaching around three main areas – fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle. Most professionals focus on one or two of these areas, which is great, but to get a full health transformation all areas need to be looked at. Together, we get to the root of the issue and create attainable programs to reach your goals. The check-in sessions are used to adjust and update these three areas as needed.

  • During the first three months of coaching, we meet weekly. From there, you and I together will decide the best course of action to continue to hit your health goals. As time goes on and habits are formed, and goals are reached, we will taper down to twice a month and then monthly check-ins. Everything is tailored to you and the progression made.

  • Yes, all of my coaching can be done virtually.

  • I personally prefer face-to-face interaction. I believe that there is value in meeting together at my office for sessions. However, I am open to virtual or a combination of virtual/in person sessions if that is your preference. I am also able to see a client from start to finish completely virtually if you live out of the area.

  • My nutrition trainings are completely customized to your company and needs. Email me at megan@leonehealthsolutions.com to get more information and to get scheduled.